
Showing posts from September, 2018

Kafka components one by one

Courtesy : Stéphane Maarek  and  Learning Journal Installation mkdir ~/Downloads curl " " -o ~/Downloads/kafka.tgz mkdir ~/kafka && cd ~/kafka tar -xvzf  ~/Downloads/kafka.tgz --strip 1 Partition: A Topic can be broken in to multiple partition, so that each partition can reside in a separate Broker instance, thus achieving parallelism for that specific topic (KPI). New message written to a topic: Kafka:  Decides which partition will the message go, kind of load balancing, Que:  How does it knows, which partition is free ? or it's offset is not full(12) ? Even of you parallel produce message in 2 partition, the bottleneck can still be in consumer side? 4. Topic Partition replication and leader 5. Load distribution and acknowledgment Producer just send data to " BrokerHost:TopicName" Kafka:  Will decide, which broker instance and which partition...