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Kafka components one by one
Courtesy : Stéphane Maarek and Learning Journal Installation mkdir ~/Downloads curl " https://www.apache.org/dist/kafka/2.1.1/kafka_2.11-2.1.1.tgz " -o ~/Downloads/kafka.tgz mkdir ~/kafka && cd ~/kafka tar -xvzf ~/Downloads/kafka.tgz --strip 1 Partition: A Topic can be broken in to multiple partition, so that each partition can reside in a separate Broker instance, thus achieving parallelism for that specific topic (KPI). New message written to a topic: Kafka: Decides which partition will the message go, kind of load balancing, Que: How does it knows, which partition is free ? or it's offset is not full(12) ? Even of you parallel produce message in 2 partition, the bottleneck can still be in consumer side? 4. Topic Partition replication and leader 5. Load distribution and acknowledgment Producer just send data to " BrokerHost:TopicName" Kafka: Will decide, which broker instance and which partition...
listener Vs advertised.listener | SSL | plainText
listeners=PLAINTEXT://myhost:9092,OUTSIDE://:9094 PLAINTEST : is just name of lister myhost: is the host and port where broker bind itself, when it starts, that mean, it will listen to this IP/ethe0 interface and listen on this this 09092, if somebidy is sending any traffic, then it will process it, else it will not. listener: For internal Broker to Broker or zookeeper communication advertised.listeners: For external point of contact, like in cloud env, this will be external exposed IP and port, like NodePort IP:Port
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